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Build Simple and Scalable Solutions - Things I've Learned Along the Way #529

I've been in the world of work for a while now, and I've seen a lot of different problems. The one thing that I've learned is that the best way to solve problems is to keep them simple. As a leader, you want to find a solution that is easy to implement and that will be effective in the long run. Good leaders use their knowledge of the process, root cause analysis, and their team to build straightforward, practical solutions.

So how do I find an effective and efficient solution to a problem that is both easy to implement and will stand the test of time? Here are five things I do to craft a solution:

I harness the spirit of GEMBA and go to the workface to understand the problem as it is experienced by the people doing the job.

I collaborate with the broader team to look at the solution – not only the good but the bad – we need to understand the implications of a different way. I work with the team to define the parameters of a successful solution through fact and compromise.

As a team, we experiment with solutions and adopt what is best and most practical.

We use the Plan Do Check Act cycle pioneered by Deming to track our implementation so that we can course correct and improve if needed.

To lay the groundwork for future change – we celebrate the win.

What are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comments!

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